
Food Supplement
Product Price: Php 450 for 30 capsules

"Brain Tonic"

Some things in Nature just make terrific brain food. So our product development team created a very special kind of "brain food" that is as pure as it is purely effective. Using the Mycelium part of the mushroom, Excellium was found to contain vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes and amino acids that can improve effective brain function, and produce the mental stamina you need to get through a very tough day. And it's excellent for both children and adults. Combined with Gano Excel's own Ganoderma, Excellium works synergistically to become what many believe is the best mind/body tandem in nutrition today.

(features and benefits)

POLYSACCHARIDE:  Strengthens immune system. Balances sugar level in the blood system. Controls destruction of cells. Eliminates toxins.

ORGANIC GERMANIUM: Increases oxygen level in the blood stream. Reduces fatigue. Strengthens the immune system. Increases body's metabolism.

VITAMINS: Plays an essential role in the physiological process and body's metabolism.

MINERAL: Helps maintain good health. Plays an important role in the physiological process and reconstruction of body tissues.

PROTEIN: Builds new cells and restores damaged tissues needed in the production of enzyme, antibodies, hemoglobin and hormones.

Brain Tonic, Excellium is suitable for children due to its high content of Organic Germanium. Organic Germanium helps in brain development because it supplies adequate oxygen to the brain.

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